
Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Habitation Checking

New book released - Habitation Checking for Motorhomes and Caravans.

Habitation Checking for Motorhomes and Caravans is the ideal book for seasoned leisure vehicle owners, complete novices who are new to the world of caravans and motorhomes or self-build enthusiasts planning to start work on their first project. Whatever the reason this book will be an invaluable companion and guide as to how your motorhome or caravan works.
Not only does it show you the tools needed to carry out your habitation checks (these can be bought for less than half the price of an annual habitation check carried out by a company) and where to source them, but also how to use them with accuracy by means of detailed explanations with images.
Divided into thirteen comprehensive sections you will be carrying out checks to the leisure battery and charging system, the mains electrical system, the LPG (gas) system and much more...