
Sunday, 9 February 2020

Motorhome and Caravan Habitation Checking

Motorhome and Caravan DIY Habitation Checking is now available in paperback! Click here.

Motorhome and Caravan DIY Habitation Checking is written by a NCC (National Caravan Council) qualified technician who holds the NCC Motorhome Service Award.
By purchasing this book leisure vehicle owners will be able to carry out their own comprehensive habitation checks to ensure that the living area of their motorhome or caravan is safe for them and other occupants.
Bearing in mind that the average cost of an annual habitation check carried out by a company is £200 just think what you could save year after year! 
The book is also ideal whether you're a seasoned leisure vehicle owner, a complete novice who's new to the world of caravans and motorhomes or a self-build enthusiast planning to start work on your first project.  Whatever the reason this book will be an invaluable guide and constant companion to ensure that problems (or potential problems) are identified early thus saving money and unnecessary inconvenience and also as essential learning on how the different systems of your motorhome or caravan function.
Not only does it show you the tools needed to carry out your habitation checks, some of which you may already have in your toolbox (if not everything you need can be bought for less than half the price of an annual habitation check carried out by a company), but also where to source them and how to use them with accuracy and confidence by means of detailed explanations with images.
Divided into thirteen comprehensive sections you will be carrying out checks to the leisure battery, the vehicle charging system, the 12 volt electrical system, the mains electrical system, the LPG (gas) system and much more...

For the Motorhome and Caravan DIY Habitation Checking ebook click here.